Are you ready to start selling your own custom merchandise? 🙋 If so, you’re probably familiar with Printify—a great platform for designing and printing t-shirts, stickers, posters, and more. But one thing that scares a lot of entrepreneurs away is the shipping costs. 💲 It can be hard to figure out how to incorporate the cost of shipping into the price of your product without losing money. Don’t worry! We’ll show you how to make it work in this blog post. 🎉
First off, before you design anything in Printify, take a look at what domestic and international shipping will cost with each printing company. ⚠️ This will help you make an informed decision about which printing company you want to use. 🤔 If you decide that the cost of materials and eCommerce fees plus shipping is too high, it may be worth looking for different print providers or different shipping options. 👍
Need some help designing an awesome t-shirt? AIMERCHA has got you covered!
If you choose to offer free shipping on your products, remember that this means adding the amount of shipping into your final price-tag for each item. 💳 To get an idea of what other people in your niche are charging for similar items, use a keyword research tool like eRank to compare prices. 📊
Want to learn more about eRank? Check out our eRank review, our favorite keyword research and niche competition tool for Etsy and other eCommerce sites. 🛍️
Finally, don’t forget about shipping times. ⏳ Printing and shipping from China is usually cheaper than other countries but takes a long time—which customers don’t always like! 😫 Consider paying extra for faster delivery times if possible. 📦
Shipping costs can be daunting when it comes to selling custom merchandise online. 🏪 But by doing some research ahead of time and using tools like eRank to compare prices in your niche, you can find ways to incorporate the cost of shipping into your product prices without losing money or alienating customers due to slow delivery times. 🤑 With some careful planning and consideration, selling custom products through Printify doesn’t have to be intimidating!